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新加坡 脸部玻尿酸填充指南



填充剂将分为多种形式:胶原蛋白、透明质酸及矽胶。前两种形式效果可以持续 9 到 12 个月甚至更长,实际效果因人而异。而玻尿酸填充一词仅为疗程之名称,因为其中又可分为各种品牌、各种分子系列。而选择哪种类型的填充物取决于使用的部位深度及面积, 通常高分子填充剂会用于面部凹陷处或加强脸型轮廓线修饰,例如鼻子、下巴、脸颊、前额等,而较低的分子填充剂用于改善肌肤表面问题,例如眼睛周围的细纹或丰唇修饰。 然而不同的品牌有不同的优点与缺点, 想要拥有理想的治疗效果,建议经由专业医生进行评估考量。


SL Aesthetic Clinic 玻尿酸填充专属您的年轻秘决

  • 脸颊 – 填补凹陷下滑苹果肌。
  • 鼻子 – 增加鼻梁高度,修饰脸型及提高视觉另五官更立体。
  • 泪沟 – 改善凹陷型黑眼圈。
  • 丰唇 – 修饰唇形线、增加丰唇效果。
  • 下巴 – 调整脸部线条,修饰下颚线。
  • 额头 – 天庭饱满,修饰脸型及提高视觉上的立体轮廓线。
  • 痘坑 – 填补凹凸洞痘坑,抚平肌肤。
  • 太阳穴 – 又可称为夫妻宫。改善面部憔悴、尖酸刻薄感等问题。
  • 法令纹 – 又可称为木偶纹。改善面部折痕线,逆龄是重要关键因素之一。
  • 鼻基底 – 间接引响唇形(显嘴凸)及导致法令纹等关键问题。




Depending on the area to be filled, local anaesthesia can be injected to numb the area. A patient can also opt for numbing cream before the procedure is done. After the filler is injected under the skin, the area is gently massaged and moulded to hold the shape that is desired. The procedure can take about 15-30 minutes, depending on the area to be filled. As with any procedure or treatment, results can vary by the individual. Contact SL Aesthetic Clinic in Singapore now to find out how we can help you achieve your desired facial contours.

Depending on the area to be filled, local anaesthesia can be injected to numb the area, which can take anywhere between 20 to 30 minutes. The procedure can take about 15-30 minutes, depending on the area to be filled. As with any procedure or treatment, results can vary by the individual. Contact SL Aesthetic Clinic in Singapore now to find out how we can help you achieve your desired facial contours.

The longevity of dermal fillers will depend on the type and brand of fillers (hyaluronic acid-based or non-hyaluronic acid-based) used and many other factors.

Hyaluronic acid (H.A.) dermal fillers and how long they last on average:

  • Juvederm Voluma XC can last up to 2 years
  • Juvederm Ultra XC and Ultra Plus can last up to 1 year
  • Teosyal Ultra Deep can last up to 1 year

Non-hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers and how long they last on average:

  • Ellanse range can last anywhere between 1 to 4 years depending on the option
  • Radiesse can last up to 1 year or more

Other factors that contribue to how long fillers can last include your body’s metabolism and other lifestyle factors such as sleep, smoking and alcohol consumption, diet and exercise.

Aside from individual pain thresholds, this largely depends on where fillers are being used. Some areas such as the tip of the nose have more nerve endings compared to say, the chin, so it’ll be more sensitive.

We at SL Aesthetic Clinic help maximise patient comfort with pain-killers, sensation-distracting devices, local anaesthesia etc.

In addition, we recommend that patients sleep slightly elevated that night. This can be done by sleeping on 2 pillows.

Downtime with Fillers are typically associated with injectables and include swelling and/or bruising.

These usually dissipate in a few days. These are estimates and the exact dowtime, if any, will vary by the individual.

Dermal filler treatments are suitable for those seeking a minimally-invasive way to rejuvenate or enhance their appearance. As with all medical procedures, you should be sure to disclose all of your medical history and current habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, blood-thinners, use of birth control pills medications or supplements.

Dermal filler treatments may be unsuitable in the following circumstances:

  • Patients with unrealistic expectations, such as those seeking to return to their youth
  • Patients with a tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars
  • Active bacterial or vigral/fungal infections
  • Known allergy/hypersensitivity to filler
