Subcision is a minor surgical procedure performed to treat depressed acne scars and wrinkles. At SL Aesthetic Clinic, we prefer this method to treat depressed scars and deep wrinkles which are tethered down to the deeper layers of skin and muscle.
Subcision is done by inserting a hypodermic needle or microcannula through a puncture in the skin from the surface.
The tip of the needle or microcannula is used to break the thick strands of scar tissue which pulls the surface of the skin down to the deeper skin tissues and muscle. This releases the scar and stimulates new collagen formation under the scar, improving the cosmetic appearance of the acne scar.
Dermal fillers are sometimes concurrently injected as a spacer after the scar has been released by subcision. Subcision is performed in the clinic setting and is usually well tolerated.
The price of our Subcision Treatment starts at $350 – $800 per session.
Individuals are different in terms of their ability to form new collagen under the treated area. Number of sessions needed to improve a depressed scar depends on the severity, number, type of scars and treatment intensity.
Three to six treatments are sufficient for most cases of moderate scarring, with an interval of one month in between the treatments.
Surgical subcision is generally a very safe procedure with little downtime but rarely, risks include:
Subcision is generally useful for any healthy adult looking to treat rolling acne scars. These scars appear as depressed scars with gentle sloping edges.
This treatment may be unsuitable in the following circumstances:
Please refer to our price list here.
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