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We will be closed from 28 Jan 3pm to 2 Feb. Happy Chinese New Year!

8 Cosmetic Uses of Botox You Didn’t Know Existed

By Dr Kelvin Chua
Last Updated:
December 4, 2024

More than a wrinkle treatment

Discover other brilliant ways Botox can help you look beautiful.

Derived from botulinum toxin Botox treatment in Singapore works by blocking nerve signals in any treated area. This useful property has lent itself to a seemingly endless number of applications in the field of medicine.

Here, we’ll share 8 surprising cosmetic uses of Botox, well beyond its popularised function in treating wrinkles and fine lines on the face.

*Note: Botox is a brand name and often used synonymously with the neurotoxin botulinum toxin. In this article, we will be using the term ‘botox’ to refer to botulinum toxin.

Understanding Botox

Botox is a brand name for a distilled form of botulinum toxin, a neurotoxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. While botulinum toxin in its natural form can be harmful, Botox is a safe and controlled version used in both cosmetic and medical treatments.

It is mostly known for its ability to make facial wrinkles less visible, especially dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle movement. The most common areas treated are:

  • Forehead lines
  • Crow’s feet (lines around the eyes)
  • Frown lines (between the eyebrows)

Beyond treating wrinkles, Botox can also enhance facial symmetry, lift the brows, and soften the jawline. Botox has gained widespread popularity because it is effective, quick and non-invasive. Many people now use Botox preventively, starting treatments in their late 20s or early 30s to stop wrinkles from forming and to maintain a youthful appearance.

1.   Oily Skin & Acne

Botox can be used to reduce your skin’s oil production, thereby minimising acne breakout. Minute amounts of Botox are injected superficially underneath your skin, which then limit the activity of your skin’s oil glands

2.   Sagging Midface

Though still inconclusive, Botox has been shown to lift and balance the midface. This is done via an intradermal injection to weaken the downward pull of depressing muscles, resulting in a lift of the midface

3.   Thin Lips

Called the “Botox lip flip”, this procedure involves injecting a small amount of botox around the corners of your mouth and near the cupid’s bow. This helps to relax the orbicularis oris muscle (the muscle around the lips), facilitating an upward flip of the lip, resulting in a more pronounced pout. A botox lip flip is suitable for those looking for a cost-effective alternative to fillers and prefer subtle, natural looking results.

4.   Boxy, Squarish Jaws

Botox is injected into your masseter (chewing) muscles of the jaws. This reduces the activity of the muscles and narrows the jawline, resulting in a sharper face. This form is treatment is frequently carried out by dentists to treat bruxism.

5.   Sweaty Palms, Feet, and Armpits

Botox can be injected to target overactive sweat glands, also known as hyperhidrosis reducing the sweat produced.

6.   Gummy Smile

A smile that reveals too much gum. This usually happens when your upper lip rises too far above the upper teeth when you smile. By injecting Botox into the upper lip, the muscles responsible for retracting your lips will not raise it as much, giving you a more balanced smile

7.   Cross-Eye

Also known as wall-eyed, or Strabismus, it is a condition in which your eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object. Botox injection in Singapore is injected by a specialist to correct the overactivated extraocular muscles in the misaligned eye

8.   Wrinkled Neck

Called the Nefertiti Neck Lift, small amounts of Botox are injected into the upper platysma muscles, counteracting its pull and softening neck lines and wrinkles.

Botox injection in Singapore

Because these are not common uses of Botox, the above treatments should only be performed by a very experienced medical practitioner; one who is very familiar with the facial musculature and anatomy, as well as being adept at handling Botox.

As cosmetic surgery becomes more of a norm, Botox and HIFU treatments in Singapore have become much more common, with various aesthetic clinics offering these skin tightening treatments in Singapore to the masses.

SL Aesthetic Clinic provides Botox treatments. Our qualified and experienced practitioners will be happy to discuss your aesthetic goals and treatments with you. Book a consultation today.


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